October 2017

Turns Out It Was Zombies

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Last Halloween I posted about the correlation between monsters and politicians and how Democrats are connected vampires while Republicans are analogous to zombies in the public mind.   I explained that when the POTUS is a Democrat the horror de jure becomes vampires, and when the GOP is in the catbird seat zombies… Read more Turns Out It Was Zombies

Renée of France

Renée of France, the youngest and second surviving daughter of King Louis XII of France and Anne of Brittany, was born on 25 October 1510. Like the other women in her family, Renée of France would show her mettle from an early age … which included religious devotion, a stainless-steel spine, and the kind of… Read more Renée of France

Sweet 16

I married my Sweet Babou sixteen years ago today, on 20 October 2001. Our wedding day had times of sanctity and sacred promises, but also had moments of  profound silliness, like when the belly dancers gave us a sheep wearing a garter belt: That day, with its mix of solemn glory and ludicrousness, accurately predicted… Read more Sweet 16

King John: Lackland, Softsword, and Asshat

King John died on the night of 18 (or early morning of the 19th) October 1216, during a monstrous thunderstorm. This was probably nothing more than a coincidence, but for his contemporaries it was considered an indication that Hell had opened to received the blackened, twisted soul of this vile king. After all, this was… Read more King John: Lackland, Softsword, and Asshat