Food for Thought

The recently released results of a metadata analysis found that organic meat and dairy products do indeed have some nutritional differences when compared to conventional beef and milk. The organic meat and dairy has significantly more Omega-3 fatty acids (yay!) and significantly less iodine (boo!) than ‘regular’ meat and milk. As usual, the benefits of… Read more Food for Thought

Fictions and Factions

Historical fiction is a touchy subject for reasons that I, as someone with Asperger’s syndrome, have a hard time fathoming. There is fiction, and there is fact, and if the twain don’t meet 100% then it is historical fiction. In fact, historical fiction that is 100% accurate in historical details (how I do love Susan… Read more Fictions and Factions

From Whence Science

Back when the earth was still cooling and I was in grad school, I took a class on anthropological theory. Now, I am a semi-postmodern girl, in that I think the truth is highly subjective and relative … but I do think some things are provable data. The graduate school I was attending was, at… Read more From Whence Science

Beyoncé and Entertainment as a Site of Resistance

Today, I had planned on discussing the birth and death of Elizabeth of York. Alas, I feel as though I must discuss Beyoncé’s performance at the 2016 Super Bowl before it and its civil rights message loses cultural focus. First, a celebration of one’s heritage and ancestry only seems to be problematic  in America when… Read more Beyoncé and Entertainment as a Site of Resistance

Memento Mori

Death is hard on the deceased’s loved ones, and even in these days of advanced medicine the end of life is often astoundingly abrupt. One day you are hale, the next day you are ill, and the day after that you are being laid to rest. My grandmother passed away Saturday. She was 92 years… Read more Memento Mori

God’s Traitors by Jessie Childs

Religious turmoil was ubiquitous in sixteenth century England. In fact, the entire continent of Europe was a roiling cauldron of ecumenical and dogmatic crazy-sauce. The question of who had the “correct” form of Christianity – the Catholics or the Protestants – was so controversial and important that people were burned to death over their answer,… Read more God’s Traitors by Jessie Childs