Kyra Cornelius Kramer

Now, I feel old

I had this conversation with my 10 year old daughter the other day.

Her: Mom, when will I be old enough to have a phone?

Me: When you are 30.

Her: Mooooooooommmmmm! Be serious!

Me: How old do you think you should be?

Her: *ponders* I think I should get a phone when I am 16.

Me: Sounds good kid.

Her: What kind of phone did you have when you were 16 mom?

Me: The kind that plugged into a wall-jack and had a long cord.

Her: No, I mean what kind of phone did you have. You know, to have on you. Like an Android or an iPhone or what?

Me: They didn’t have those kinds of phones when I was 16, sweetie. All phones were in buildings. No one had a phone they carried around.

Her: *ponders more* Mom, they did have electricity then, didn’t they?

Me: Silence, child, or I shall smite thee.