Kyra Cornelius Kramer

Fed Up

Have any of you seen the movie Fed Up? It’s on Netflix now and it is absolutely magnificent.

Fed Up is a 2014 American documentary film directed, written and produced by Stephanie Soechtig. The film focuses on the causes of obesity in the US, presenting evidence showing that the large quantities of sugar in processed foods are an overlooked root of the problem, and points to the monied lobbying power of “Big Sugar” in blocking attempts to enact policies to address the issue …  Fed Up shows how the first dietary guidelines issued by the U.S. government 30 years ago overlooked the role of dietary sugar in increasing risks of obesity, diabetes, and associated ill-health outcomes, particularly in children. Since these guidelines effectively condoned unlimited addition of sugar to foods consumed by children, sugar consumption has greatly increased, obesity has skyrocketed, and generations of children have grown up far fatter than their parents. These children face impaired health and shorter lifespans as a result. As the relationship between the high-sugar diet and poor health has emerged, entrenched sugar industry interests with almost unlimited financial lobbying resources have beaten back attempts by parents, schools, states, and in Congress to provide a healthier diet for children. The film concludes with a list of 20 companies, industry groups and politicians who refused to talk to the filmmakers.”

Here’s the trailer:


One of the best ways to avoid metabolic diseases – stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, type II diabetes, ect — is to make sure not to ingest more than 40-50g of sugar daily. The less you consume, the better. Check the labels; it is in EVERYTHING — including 6-12g in a cup of spaghetti sauce, 8-12g in “healthy” snack like a granola bar, “even low-fat flavored yogurt can have 17 to 33g of sugar per 8-ounce serving — that’s about as much as 2 scoops (1 cup) of chocolate ice cream, a lot of salad dressing has 5-7g in 2 tablespoons, many “popular oat, corn and bran cereals have 10-20 grams or more per cup”, fast-food coleslaw has 15g, ketchup has 4g per tablespoon, and canned fruits in “light” syrup can have as much as 39g per cup. As for soda … well, just look:

Kicking the sugar habit is hard, because sugar is a proven addictive substance. Multiple studies on lab rats have shown sugar is at least as addicting as cocaine. Plexus helps beat back the craving for sugar, which is one of the many reasons I am a fan. If you want to try Plexus, you can go here: With or without Plexus, you should try to reduce your sugar intake as much as possible. It is killing you slowly.