July 2016

The Battle of Falkirk

On 22 July 1298 the English King Edward I decisively defeated a small army of Scots under the command of William Wallace at Falkirk, which resulted in the resignation of Wallace as a Guardian of Scotland and brought Robert the Bruce into the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence. The English would have… Read more The Battle of Falkirk

Edict of Expulsion 1290

On 18 July 1290 King Edward I issued an Edict of Expulsion decreeing the forcible removal of all Jews from England. The expulsion edict was the law of the land for the next 360-odd years, until 1657, when Oliver Cromwell (of all people!) permitted Jews to return to England. Cromwell only let Jewish people return… Read more Edict of Expulsion 1290

The Death of Edward Longshanks

King Edward I of England, known as Edward Longshanks, died on 7 July 1307. As I have explained before, Edward’s historical legacy is complicated; he was a good man who did horrible things. Longshanks was on his way to Scotland to battle Robert the Bruce, who had recently rebelled against English rule and had declared… Read more The Death of Edward Longshanks

Which Way Forward?

Countries with a lot of inequality are unstable countries. Without economic stability and security for the populace, countries are prone to unrest and political extremism. Nothing good EVER comes from political extremism. Whether it is fascism in Hitler’s Germany or the communism in Stalin’s Russia, it sucks. Not only does it suck … it ALWAYS… Read more Which Way Forward?