Anne Boleyn

The Ladies Upon the Scaffold

Anne Boleyn was beheaded on 19 May 1536. When this maligned and falsely accused queen walked her last steps to the scaffold where a swordsman waited to take her head, four ladies accompanied her. I agree with historian Eric Ives (no surprise there) that the ladies with her were probably the ones assigned to spy on… Read more The Ladies Upon the Scaffold

The Trial of Anne Boleyn

Queen Anne Boleyn was put on trial on 15 May 1536. According to Imperial ambassador Eustace Chapuys, she was tried “by a tribunal composed of the principal lords of the kingdom …  the Duke of Norfolk presiding over it .” The trial took place in the Tower rather than in Westminster Hall, “yet the trial… Read more The Trial of Anne Boleyn

What Anne Boleyn Did That Jane Seymour Didn’t

Historians and history-buffs alike have strong opinions about facts and persons and those opinions aren’t universal. Nevertheless, there tends to be enough commonality that two “camps” will spring up regarding an event. For those interested in the Tudor era, there is often a spilt into (let’s overly-simplify it for the sake of argument) people who… Read more What Anne Boleyn Did That Jane Seymour Didn’t

Cunning is Not the Word for Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn was left isolated from her friends and miserable the entire time she was in the Tower awaiting her unjust death. Thanks to the informants surrounding her in her imprisonment, she was (ironically and cruelly) condemned more by her own words than anything else her enemies could come up with. Thomas Cromwell had assigned… Read more Cunning is Not the Word for Anne Boleyn