general nerd/geek info

Oil of Cloves for Toothache

Tudor medicine, although based on the false assumption of ‘humours’ and with no understanding of germ theory, could nevertheless be surprisingly effective. A lot of modern medications are based on the chemical compounds of natural remedies available to the Tudors — such as clove oil. I got to learn about the efficacy of clove oil… Read more Oil of Cloves for Toothache

Legalized Theft and Murder

On 26 May 1830 the Congress of the United States passed one of the worst legislative acts in human history, an act so breathtakingly vile that it would serve Hitler as a prototype for his own Holocaust in Germany. I speak, of course, of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Basically, a bunch of white… Read more Legalized Theft and Murder

Be of Good Cheer

Depression isn’t a modern disease. It’s been recorded throughout history, and many English kings – including Henry VIII – were believed to have suffered from what their doctors would have called “excessive melancholy”. Shakespeare immortalised the symptoms of depression in Hamlet, wherein the titular Prince of Denmark complained that, “I have of late, but wherefore… Read more Be of Good Cheer

Sheela-na-gig and Cultural Function

The sheela-na-gig, once seen, are hard to forget. These carvings can be found on medieval churches and buildings across Northern Europe, but more frequently in the British Isles and in the greatest numbers in Ireland. A popular hypothesis is that sheela na gigs represent a pagan goddess, but academics believe the situation was more complex,… Read more Sheela-na-gig and Cultural Function