general nerd/geek info

Ladies Who Launch

I admit to a certain fascination with female pirate captains who were just awesome levels of badass. So much so, I might write a book about it. If I do, I call dibs on Ladies Who Launch as the title. Seriously, I might write the book just because I have fallen deeply in love with… Read more Ladies Who Launch

Cubic Wombat Poop

I just found out that the wombat poops little cubes of poo. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink into your mind. Now tell me, in all honesty, that you didn’t begin to ponder 1) why and 2) how. The why is easy. Apparently the little wombats use their poop cubes as a… Read more Cubic Wombat Poop

The Real Little House

I loved reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books as a child. Then when my girls were old enough, I started to read the series to them and discovered that I had to edit the crap out of the lavish racism lest my daughters burst into tears with horror. Which then inspired me to ponder the… Read more The Real Little House

A Fiscal Argument for the English Monarchy

There are many people in Great Britain that view the royal family as obsolete and, worst of all, a drain on taxpayers. Largely, arguments against the monarchy come down to money. Even though it works out to 56 pence a person, that’s still £35.7 million ($60.6 million, 44.5 million euros) of taxpayer money. So the… Read more A Fiscal Argument for the English Monarchy

High Cost of Autism

Having a kid with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from high-functioning Aspy’s who can pass for “quirky” with a little help to ASD issues to the point of non-verbal and non-functioning, is expensive. A recent study has looked at just how much it can cost to have a child on the spectrum, and the answer was as… Read more High Cost of Autism